Aug 5, 2013

Facebook pays $ 1 million to stamp out bugs, India second biggest recipient after US

Leading social networking firm Facebook has said that it paid more than USD 1 million “to stamp out bugs” in its products and infrastructure as part of its Bug Bounty program. Under the program Facebook has collaborated with researchers from all around the world. The program was launched two years ago to reward the security researchers who report bug. India with over 78 million Facebook users is the second among the countries with the most bounty recipients after the US followed by UK, Turkey, and Germany in that order. other major recipient are- Israel, Canada, Pakistan, Egypt, Brazil, Sweden, and  Russia. A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways.

“We've paid out more than $1 million in bounties, and have collaborated with researchers from all around the world to stamp out bugs in our products and in our infrastructure”, Facebook said in a statement. So far 329 people including professional researchers, students or part-timers have received a bounty so far with the youngest being a 13 years old. It said that these researchers are spread across 51 different countries with only 20% of bounties paid out so far to US-based recipients.