Nov 12, 2009

Store Manager Donates Kidney to Employee

It's safe to say an employee-boss bond goes well beyond the workplace in Whitehall Township! A liquor store manager gave his worker a life-saving gift that few others could. WFMZ's Stephanie Esposito reports. >>REPORTER: Rob Fenstermaker likes helping people...he learned from the best....his boss.

ROB 5:39 He gave me the ultimate gift.

>>REPORTER: It was better than a raise. Rob's boss, Brian DeAngelis gave him his kidney.

BRIAN 08:25 We as a store noticed that he was getting sicker and sicker.

>>REPORTER: Rob's condition was getting worse every day.

ROB :42 my kidney disease which is a hereditary disease polysistic kidneys or PKD.

>>REPORTER: His coworkers were watching him slowly die. So they started talking about how they could help him. BRIAN 08:51 They were talking about donating sick leave and stuff like that and they got into the possibility of a transplant. Two other coworkers were tested and were not a match.

BRIAN 13;27 Never been in a hospital in my life.

>>REPORTER: Until then. BRIAN 09:20 I said if it didn't work for them I'd try and I kept passing all the tests.

ROB 2:14 It was a really touching thing that not just one but multiple people where willing to go through something like that for me. STANDUP: Once it was determined that they were a match, Brian says he never looked back.

BRIAN: 12:55 I got excited for it.

>>REPORTER: In May they had their surgerys. Emotions ran high...but everything went perfectly.

ROB 4:57 We were able to visit each other and we did multiple times a day.

>>REPORTER: Both men are doing well...and say they now have a unique bond. But Brian remains humble.

"I actually thought others were making a bigger deal out of it then they should."

>>REPORTER: But to Rob, it is a very big deal.

"He gave me the gift of life."