Jul 27, 2011

Breivik's father: 'I wish my son was dead'

Lawyer: Norway suspect took drugs to be 'efficient'

The lawyer for the suspect in the Norway twin attacks says his client is a "very cold" person who took drugs before the rampage to be "strong, efficient, awake."

The lawyer, Geir Lippestad, spoke to reporters today about his client, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused for killing more than 70 people in a bombing on government buildings in Oslo and a shooting spree at a youth camp last week, the Associated Press reports.

Breivik, 32, faces terror-related charges that could carry a maximum 21-year sentence. Prosecutor Christian Hatlo tells the newspaper Aftenposten that he might also be charged with crimes against humanity, which could carry a longer sentence.

Lippestad describes Breivik as a "very cold" person and says the whole case suggests he is insane.

Breivik's father: 'I wish my son was dead'

The father of Anders Behring Breivik has broken his silence and told reporters that he wishes his son was dead.

The lawyer told the AP that Breivik views himself as a "savior."

According to the lawyer, the suspect believes that his "operation," aimed at publicizing his anti-Muslim, anti-immigration manifesto, is going according to plan but is not aware of the death toll or the public reaction to it.

Breivik did express surprise, the lawyer said, that he wasn't stopped earlier. He reportedly indicated that he had expected to be killed en route to court Monday.

Brievik was arraigned Monday on charges of engaging in acts of terrorism. He has pleaded not guilty, claiming no criminal responsibility for the acts. He claims that he acted to save Norway and Europe from Muslim colonization.

Breivik says at least two other cells of his extremist group continue to operate. Norwegian authorities are investigating that possibility.

Lippsetad says he will not take instructions from his client and insists that someone has to do the job of defending.

Breivik is held in strict isolation without visitors or the right to send letters. Authorities say this is aimed at preventing him from signaling instructions to other terror cells, if they exist.

The lawyer says no family member has asked to visit Breivik.

Breivik's father, Jens Breivik, a retired Norwegian diplomat living in France, told Norway's TV2 that he has not seen his son for about 15 years and is shocked by the killings.

"I will never have more contact with him," he said. "In my darkest moments, I think that rather than killing all those people, he should have taken his own life."

The BBC says torchlight parades to remember the victims were held throughout the country Monday. More than 250,000 took to the streets, many carrying flowers, in memory of the victims