Jul 21, 2009

What are the Harmful effects of solar eclipse on health?

The Science of Solar Eclipse

Do not attempt to observe the partial or annular phases of any eclipse with the naked eye. Failure to use appropriate filtration may result in permanent eye damage or blindness!

The safest and most inexpensive method to observe the phenomena is by indirect projection, in which a pinhole or small opening is used to cast the image of the Sun on a screen placed a half-meter or more beyond the opening.

The Sun can be viewed directly only when using filters specifically designed for this purpose. Such filters usually have a thin layer of aluminum, chromium or silver deposited on their surfaces that attenuates ultraviolet, visible, and infrared energy.

The use of color films, non-silver black and white film, medical X-ray films should never be used for viewing the eclipse due to potential hazard from infra red rays. The fact that the Sun appears dark in a filter or that you feel no discomfort does not guarantee that your eyes are safe.

It is generally said that pregnant women should relax in a bed if possible during an eclipse. It is wise, to ensure proper care of a pregnant women during an eclipse as science has discovered that people who hurt themselves by way of a cut or a fracture, during an eclipse take a longer to heal as the blood flow seems to be more during that time than at any other time.

Avoid all unnecessary risks. However, if you wish to have a safe view of the eclipse, it is recommended that you contact the nearest local planetarium for additional information

What are the Harmful effects of solar eclipse on health?

Although not proven scientifically, some religions believe that pregnant women should stay indoors during Solar Eclipse to prevent the baby from developing birth defects.