Jun 23, 2014

The Iraq Crisis In 11 Photos

Iraq crisis - the great unravelling: US and Iran need to work together fast, as the barbarians are at the gate

ISIL (also known as ISIS) rapidly consolidated their wins, capturing many cities in northern Iraq. Shown here is their territory on June 16.

They claim to have executed 1700 Iraqi soldiers, but this has not been confirmed.

Soon after capturing Mosul, ISIL released graphic pictures showing them executing Iraqi soldiers.

The present crisis was sparked when ISIL attacked and rapidly took control of the Mosul in early June. Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq, and is predominantly Sunni.

ISIL imposes harsh laws on areas they control, including restrictions on women, association, speech, and a ban of alcohol and cigarettes. Their punishments include cutting off hands and beheadings. Fighters are shown here stomping on confiscated cigarettes.

Syria, where bloodthirsty al Qaeda offshoot the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) gained many of their men, resources and skills during the civil war. They formally declared themselves in April 2013, but have roots in al Qaeda in Iraq - and now they're back there in a big way